Monday, January 15, 2024

 Where is Section Pe?

The picture of Pe that Broneer [1966] presents looks like this:[1]

In this picture arrow b shows a left-leaning (to S) branch on a young tree.   Arrow a points to one of the buttresses.

This next picture is labeled in Isthmia VIII as a section of Sp.  [2]

But Simpson and Hagel [3] say that this is mislabelled and is really a photo of Pe.  And that makes sense. The wall in this photo runs up a rather steep slope which we know Sp does not.  Also the buttresses seem to be visible at arrow a.  The right-leaning (to S) branch at arrow b seems to match the left-leaning branch on the other photo.  So if all this is correct Pe is not likely to be where I thought it is.  It's more likely to be further to the E (about 100 m) near 37.913481° N,  22.998581° E where there is a clump of trees.  It looks like this in Google Earth Street View (facing W): 

Here the arrow at 'a' point to a clump of trees in which the first and seconds pictures might have been taken.

This next picture shows what it looks like from the other side and facing E:

I think a candidate for Pe that would match the second photograph is somewhere just beneath the edge of this clump of trees.  It looks like there is a very convenient turnout right next to it.

From above the whole scene looks like this:

Here North is at the bottom.  'P1' and 'P2' in red are the locations of the two Street View scenes.  C7761 (Pe or where I was thinking that Pe might be) is in the center at the blue paddle.  The circle radius is 100 m.  The turn-out in the previous photo is just under the yellow push-pin over the group of trees at the left.

And, not to forget, this section may involve a fall hazard so be careful of your footing.


1. Broneer [1966] Plate 81.
2. Morgan [1999] 434, figure 8.  Labelled incorrectly 'Section Sp'.
3. Simpson and Hagel [2006] 130, fn. 103


Broneer [1966]:  Broneer, Oscar. ‘The Cyclopean Wall on the Isthmus of Corinth and Its Bearing on Late Bronze Age Chronology’, Hesperia: The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (35:4)

Morgan [1999]:  Morgan, Catherine. Isthmia VIII; The Late Bronze Age Settlement and Early Iron Age Sanctuary . The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Princeton, New Jersey,

Simpson and Hagel [2006]:  Simpson, R. Hope and D.K. Hagel. Mycenaean Fortifications, Highways, Dams and Canals. SIMA vol. 133. Paul Åströms Förlag. Sävedalen, Sweden. 2006.

Stous Athropolithous

  (All references to Cnnn or Fnnn can be found in the Mycenaean Atlas Project site at I've been working through the list ...